Roger Federer: Reddit IAmA Q&A — Our Favorite Answers…with Pictures

On Friday, May 24, 2013 Roger Federer took part in a Reddit IAmA online chat, answering fan questions. Like most interviews, Rog took the opportunity to be informative, interesting, and amusing. Fans were happy to see that the Maestro’s charm was highly translatable through this online medium.
With only a finite amount of time to answer questions, Rog didn’t get to them all, but he answered a lot. Here are some of our fave questions and replies. You can see the entire chat session, with responses from fans, at Reddit here.
I’m Roger Federer, a professional tennis player from Switzerland. AMA!
Thick_as_a_Brick: Hey Roger, just wanted to say that I’m a huge fan of yours. One of the best things I’ve ever read about you has to be David Foster Wallace’s piece for the NY Times. Have you ever read it? If so what did you think of the way he characterized you?
Federer: I have read it. The thing that struck me is that I only spent 20min with him in the ATP office at Wimbledon, and he was able to produce such a comprehensive piece. (Ed. I gave this piece some love with a YouTube video tribute.)
Self_Esteem_Booster: What was your toughest match ever?
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